Monday, October 29, 2007

"Stolen From..."

Okay, so call me weird, but I have certain pens and mechanical pencils for certain things. I have a pink, ball point pen in my purse for writing checks. I have a glittery gold mechanical pencil I use to balance my checkbook. I have a Strawberry Shortcake pen for making my grocery list. I like to use them until they are gone. But sometimes, they disappear from where they are SUPPOSED to be!! Does anyone else have this problem? I would like a set of personalized pens so I can keep better track of them. I think I would like mine to say, "This pen was stolen from Jamie Boemer!" And maybe I would get some really cool ones, so that you couldn't hide the fact that it was stolen!! :)


Friday, October 19, 2007

The Juggling Act

Before I became a stay at home mom, I worked for my dad's business as his office manager. He owns and operates a plumbing and air conditioning business. Every morning, when I was handing out the assignments, the guys had to shuffle tools around like a deck of cards! Cordless drills, sledge hammers, power tools... you name it. I wish I had known about this website when I was there. It features stuff like Ingersoll Rand air tools. It would make life at the good old Neighborhood Plumber a little more manageable! The prices are not bad! In fact, I might suggest that the current office manager check it out so Dad can increase his tool supply and quit having to juggle so darn much!


Polka Dotted Fun!

Now that Sophie is here, I have to think about making sure she has everything she needs. Sometimes 'everything she needs' turns out to be something very practical. My little girl needs some luggage for our trips to visit family! While I thought briefly about finding her a set with some sort of princess on it, I think I would rather go with something more like this: Doesn't that just look like luggage that would be carried by a girl named Ava Sophia? Sophisticated and fun!! Plus, it can grow with her. She won't be ashamed to pack that bag when she's 16! This particular piece also comes in a set. It's made my International Traveler. The site I found it on also has some other fun stuff by Samsonite, Kenneth Cole, Timberland, North Face, Travelpro to name a few!


Wardrobe Update

I find myself watching "What Not To Wear" on TLC. Disturbingly, I find that I have more and more in common with the 'fashion victims' highlighted each week than I would care to admit! The the 6 years of my marriage, I have had 3 children and am struggling to find the time and WILL POWER to get back into my clothes from the good old days! Let's face it... even if you find clothes on the clearance rack, rebuilding your wardrobe get's expensive. So I've been looking at this online clothing store to help get me started! With prices starting at about $1 for basic items and deep discounts on name brand and trendy clothes, I think I can start the rebuilding process and still keep it reasonable! Maybe if I get a move on now, my family and friends won't nominate me to be humiliated on TV!! Guess I just need to make it a priority to get out of my jogging clothes sometimes and actually take a shower daily and put on some make-up!


Stylin' Mini-Van Mom!

I NEVER, EVER thought that I would wind up being a 'mini van mom!' I mean, when I was planning what career path I wanted to take, I just never figured that I would want to be a stay-at-home-mom. My tune has changed dramatically over the last five years! Not only am I a stay at home mom... I love it!! And the dreaded mini van is now proudly parked out in front of our home! Ha!
But just because I drive a mini van doesn't mean I can't have style, right? Check out this site for Billet Grilles. I can upgrade just about anything I want for my Kia Sedona! If I wanted a side step bar......I could get one! If I wanted to upgrade my dash......I could!

I could add chrome trim, hub caps, add a wind shield to the windows, a spoiler to the back, an interior cargo liner... you name it... I could do it.

If you could "Pimp Your Ride" would you?


Disclosure Notice!

This is to let everyone know that I receive payment for some of my posts. When I am getting paid to post, I link to other websites. I am not responsible for whatever is on those sites or what they may claim.
From this point on, none of my posts will be labeled "Sponsored."

However! I do promise to make all of my posts as interesting as I can! So keep reading!


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hospital, Baby

After I got home from Tres's field trip, I came right in a fed Sophie. When I burped her, she had a severe coughing spell. She had done it the night before and while I was gone also. The coughing spells took her breath away and made her really red and upset. The first time, I thought she might have gotten a little chocked while she was eating. But when it happened while I was gone and when I got there...I immediately called her pediatrician. They were going to make me come in around 4:30, until the nurse heard her coughing in the background while I was making the appointment. She told me to come right in.

I got to the pediatricians office, and the doctor came in to look at her. I told him about her cough, and the only other symptom she had was a loss of appetite (which was hurting Momma!). Her lungs sounded clear, and everything looked normal. So he took some blood, and wanted to do a chest x-ray on her. So after that, he came in and told me that the level of virus fighting antibodies in her blood were extremely low, and another level that should have been high was low. Also he said her iron level was low... and that she could possibly be anemic. I was taking all this in studiously, and was calm up until he said "I want her observed in the hospital for 48 hours." Then I could feel my heart racing and slight panic set in. He told me that he was concerned that she had the onset of Pertussis, commonly known as Whooping Cough. She had not received any vaccines for this yet, and apparently they have seen a rise in Pertussis in infants and the elderly over recent months.

So off we went to Children's... Ava and myself. My mom kept the boys at home. Hank was still at work. I got to Children's and got her registered, and they put us in a holding room while a space was being made for her. While we waited, they came to take blood AGAIN. The doctor told me that he wanted to go ahead and get her set up for an IV 'just in case.' He told me that if they couldn't get it the first time, they wouldn't try again. I left the room for this one and I wish I hadn't. I went into the lobby and heard her SCREAMING the whole time. When I went back in, she had her little IV set-up in her hand AND a band-aid on the other. When I asked them what that was, she said it was where they had tried to get it in the first time! WHAT!! I was not very happy about that. Not only did they stick her twice, but the blood they drew from her was unusable because it had clotted so they informed me that they would have to draw some more. I determined then and there that I would not be leaving her if I could help it.
They decided to observe her in the Special Care Unit. This is essentially a huge room with curtained off areas for each patient. They children are monitored constantly through-out the right. She was hooked up to a blood pressure cuff that went off every hour, another sensor measured how many breaths she took in a minute, and yet another was her oxygen level. Then a nurse came around every couple of hours and took her temperature. So she had all these wires attached to her and she had to lay in the bed unless I was feeding her or changing her diapers so that the reading were accurate. Also, because Pertussis is highly contagious, she had to wear a mask (actually one was just laid over her mouth because all of them were too big for her), all the nurses that took care of her had to wear a mask, and Hank and I had to wear masks.
In the Special Care Unit, you are not allowed to eat, drink, or sleep. They did allow me to drink bottled water since I was nursing. I stayed with her every minute I could. The only times I left were when their was a shift change. All parents were required to leave for 2 hours, so I would go a eat something, then I would go and catch a nap in the van for an hour. Then it was right back upstairs to sit with my little peanut.

The first night was exhausting, but thankfully she was fine. She coughed only occassionally and all of her levels that they were monitoring were good. Her blood work came back and that wasn't very encouraging, so the doctors wanted her to stay one more night. But this time we got to move to a private room. That meant sleep to me! The afternoon we moved into the room she was running a temperature, but after a bath, that came right down and stayed down. The doctor said that was a good sign that her body was recovering on its own.

By Sunday morning, they told us we could go home. Thank the Lord all her levels were okay...not great... but okay.

The Pertussis screening results should be back today (they couldn't run it over the weekend because the lab was closed). And she has an appointment tomorrow with our regular pediatrician.

Throughout the whole ordeal, she was very good.She smiled and cooed at all of her nurses. She cried only when provoked... you know, by a needle or something! I was a proud momma. It also gave me some one-on-one time with her. Better safe than sorry.

Last night she was more congested than she has been, and she has taken to eating in small, frequent doses today. But she acts fine and has no temp. No cough either which the main symptom in Pertussis!

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If you build them...

I think I've told you guys that my father-in-law built a plane. Honest to God... he built a two seater plane with his own hands. Engine, wings, and all. Tres even helped him out with it when he was 3.
Here he is 'helping' with his own tools. He loved every minute of it! Hank and the boys have an obsession with model planes and cars. If they see someone at the park with one, they sit and watch for hours just oohhing and ahhing over it. I thought it might be fun to make it a Christmas present this year. Find a plane or helicopter that they could build together as a project. And if that doesn't work, they could always build slot cars. I just know my guys... all three of them are very hands on and would love to do this!


Monday, October 08, 2007


My mom and dad have been talking about buying a condo in Gulf Shores lately. They have some friends that purchased a place on a lake that has a canal that flows into the bay. They told them that it was really affordable.
Apparently that got my brother to thinking. Cause the next thing I know, he and my dad are off looking at boats one night. This site could have saved them a ton of time. It has everything fish related on it. I mean fromfishing tackle,to boats, to accessories that you would never even think about needing for a day of fishing.

This particular one caught my attention:The perfect boating accessorie for two plumbers... don't you think?


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