Monday, March 19, 2007

PA Trip & Results

The trip was fun and nerve racking all at once. It was interesting to see that where it's been hot in Alabama, it's still snowing in Pennsylvania!The interview process was long, and we spent the next day looking around at local real estate. Then we took ourselves over to Hersheyland and had some fun!

It looks like the job is not gonna work out for a number of reasons. But we are confident that the Lord is preparing us for things to come.

Monday, March 12, 2007

HUGE Prayer Request!

Last Wednesday, Hank got a call from Gary, his direct manager at ABC 33/40. He told him about a Master
Control Manager position open at the ABC station in Harrisburg, PA (approx. 700 miles from Alabama). Gary
told him about it because he thought that Hank wouldn't be interested in moving.

Hank told him he was interested and by the end of the day had talked to Mark, the gentleman who would be Hank's supervisor at the station there. This guy had met Hank back when ABC 33/40 had just become a station and Hank was fresh out of college. He has apparently heard some good things about Hank and also knew that Hank has put some feelers out for a new position. So Mark told Hank that when he called our station, he knew he wanted to talk to Hank. He also said that they are prepared to offer him a sizable raise and a manager's position. On top of that, Mark informed Hank that he would answer only to him... and that he planned to retire in about 3 years and would be potentially grooming him for his position. So.... next week, they are gonna fly both Hank and I up there to see the city and the station and do a face to face interview. They pulled some strings to get me a flight
as well.

Gary (Hank's current manager) told Hank that there was no way they were gonna let him go and have been talking to the station manager at 33/40 and human resources about a raise and a title.

I'm excited... and nervous... and scared... and so looking forward to where God is leading us. Right now, I am praying like a maniac. Opportunities like this one are few and far between. This is a door that flew open in a direction that we weren't even looking. Hank has somehow found favor with this gentleman... and all from a first impression 11 years ago.

I have the type of personality where I need to know all of the details of prepare myself for every possibility. I've done my homework. I researched cost of living (an increase of 4.3%), housing (more expensive than here, but re-sale looks great!), schools (still looking into that), hospitals, and churches (there are only two assemblies of God in that area!).

This would not be just a raise in pay. It is a mid-level management position with a definite career path. Hank's current position is at a dead end. There is no where to enter management, and his bosses call on him for everything. It's more than a raise... it's an opportunity to create a better life for our family.

Pastor Tommy has been teaching on prayer, and I wanted to give you guys some specifics, because we know we NEED specific prayers. Thank you!

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