Saturday, May 10, 2008

Gimme' A Break!

Vacation, vacation, vacation!! I am so glad to be on a vacation with my family. We usually use all of Hank's time off to be with family and to do holidays. But this year, we made it a point to schedule and plan a family vacation with just us and our kids. We have only managed to do this once in our six years of marriage.

I have a friend who has a time share and she is always talking to me about how it doesn't cost a lot, and tries to explain the concept of fractional ownership to me. I really think we might look into it, just so we could plan a few more of these vacations. I mean, who doesn't look forward to no housework, no laundry, and no every-day ordinary?? Now, if I could just get a vacation from the mounds of laundry to follow!


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